Monday, July 18, 2016

Making Money - Team Building

SFI's TripleClicks Executive Pool provides a simple, easy, and lucrative income stream that all SFI affiliates can tap into every month. For each VersaPoint (VP) you accumulate during the month, you will receive one share of the month's pool. The more VP you score, the more you will earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool! It's that simple. Note that VP can be earned for doing a wide variety of actions (see VP Ledger for complete list of pointable actions).
To earn even more shares, become a Team Leader:
A. As a Bronze Team Leader, you'll receive matching VP on all EA2s in your downline within 6 levels (including your CSAs).......

What does this mean? 
For example - you are a Bronze Team Leader, and you sponsor 5 PSAs with min. EA2 status. Those 5 people will follow your example and they will create your 2nd generation, with 5x5=25 people in it. People in you 2nd generation will do the same thing, and they will create your third generation:

This means that you will have 19.530 people in your downline. If they all maintain EA2 status, that means they have min 1500VP each month. How much money you make with this:
19.530 x 1500 x VP current value (which depends on general TripleClicks sales/ Versa Pool). 

But that's not all.
- Your income also depends on your TL status. For example, if you are Platinum TL, you get matching points from your 12 generations. 
- 1500VPs is only a minimum for EA2 status. Every VP over 1500 also counts. So, if you have, for example, BTL in your downline, you get all those 3000VPs as part of your income. 
- 5 PSAs is just an example. You can set up your goals on more or less. There are no rules and limits. 
- You get this matching VP from your CSA members.

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