Friday, June 26, 2015

Weekly Actions

You should do your weekly actions once in a week.
The deadline is Saturday night, and new round starts at Sunday. 

Find your weekly actions on your TO-DO list: 

1. For PSA/CSA mailer, you need at least one PSA/CSA. If you are at fresh start, you can contact your sponsor to reassign you at least one inactive PSA. That would be enough to collect your 30VP points. 
Just click on PSA Mailer/CSA Mailer

If you have no idea what to send, you can use recommended messages. 
For more tips, visit Training section - Ask Gery:

2. Simpy visit your Member TConnect Page to collect 5VP.

3. Post on Stream tab 3 times a week, and get 3VP for those actions:

And that would be 30+5+3=38VP in every week.

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